I have been really passionate about writing on this website and here comes my second article, more exciting than ever. Despite expectations, I have always thought 2 is a magic number that brings good luck and nice energy. Whenever I think of the number 2, I get girly vibes and also think of people that work hard for what they want in life. So, in my vision and probably in yours too after you’ll read this whole article, my sister, TIANA, is the most appropriate to write about.
Some people don’t need introduction, their names betray their character, their looks, their emotions, their social status, their stature etc., but TIANA is so surprisingly unexpected, in all the good ways, that her personality needs more than only one article to be fully explained and understood. She has always been different and has never molded to the rules, has always had her style, her print that makes her so unique and special from anybody else in this world.

She is so distinctive and outstanding, that I start believing Someone Up There brought her on this planet to give and show the world how beautiful the new and unusual things are in reality. Sometimes, we all need someone to open up our eyes and she is for sure that person!
TIANA has started her music career when she was very little, her kindergarten teacher discovered in her something my parents have never thought would discover, musical talent. She took her to singing classes and let the magic begin. Since the age of 5, TIANA has been continously singing and she will never stop from doing that. This is what was meant for her and what makes her truly happy. Just as some people find peace and pleasure in reading, she takes refuge in music! That’s her reason for living!
Living with her has always been something unique, maybe because her way of dealing with things has always been unique!We are music lovers, we listen to music non-stop and this is what we consider makes our lives happier, but I have never seen a person getting so into a song like TIANA does. They way she becomes one with the song she is listening to is something so magical, unbelievable that I wish I could explain at the intensity it happens in real life! Oh, and when she sings…!
TIANA is one of those rare singer who can make you cry, smile, dance, feel sad, nostalgic, in love, happy all in one song, just because she feels the music the way nobody else can. Singers are not complete or have not acomplished their mission of healing if they don’t make you feel something while listening to them, but TIANA has been doing that since she was born!
Even though she sang this when she was only nine, was incredibly nervous and performed it in a country where she has never been before, in front of a crowd of people she has never seen before, it’s the first song she made me cry with and I’ll always love it! Knowing the story behind this is what makes it even more special! I love it when songs can give you many different meaning options and “Million Reasons” is for sure one of those! Even though Tiana has been given support along her journey, she has also been through a lot of difficult stages, starting even from when she was very little with people that more likely discouraged her. She decided to sing it, considering that this is the song that matches her story the most and that she can feel the best!
I’m glad Tiana kept and keeps fighting and she doesn’t stop!
This performance and a lot of other grand prixes won at different contests later that year, were followed up by a series of events, apparently discouraging, but in the end, beneficial, that got her considering starting her own Youtube page and her well-deserved, own music career! For two years, she has been posting a lot of interesting and diverse music videos, which I invite you all to watch. Through those, you will find some songs I wrote, so go check it out now!
You will also find a lot of interesting content on her Facebook and Instagram pages and A looottt of music on Soundcloud!
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/TIANACILIBIU
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/tianacilibiu/
Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/user-902307276
For more requests, you will find me here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emacilibiu/
Ema I wish there was some one like You around for me when I was about 10 years old. When I look back I find the biggest thing I am lacking is self confidence. I don’t know how to fix that. I spent most of my life trying to teach younger people how they can do what ever they put their mind to. I still have a hard time doing the same for myself. I have a hard time doing anything on my own I need someone else to come with me. I tried to encourage Artist on these zoom concerts as a way to help me be able to express my feeling to others. most of the times I just sit and let others talk and I stay quit in the back. I am forcing my self to write this I hope it make sense and may be even help someone else.